
It’s Just the Beginning


Earlier today, I attended my last class for graduate school. My classmates and I handed in our capstones and presented a synopsis of our work to the class.

Before class began, a few of us were chatting informally, and I mentioned that a couple of days ago, I found myself delaying putting the final touches to my capstone. I thought about it, and realized I felt sad that this chapter of my life is coming to an end. Don’t get me wrong, I won’t miss the pressure of having to study for essay midterms and exams! What I’ve really enjoyed about graduate school over the past three years is learning, discussing and thinking about leadership and management, sales and procurement, finance, research, web analytics, branding, social media, and technology.  And yes, I’ve enjoyed writing up my research and presenting my papers and reports, as well as adding design touches too! I’m pretty sure that I will continue to strive to be a lifelong learner, which to me means to read as much as I can, and to take the time to think and write about what I learn.

As I listened to my classmates’ presentations, I realized how passionate many of us are about our topics, and how interesting their research sounded to me. It occurred to me that I would love to interview some of them for geeloblog, so stay tuned! I’ve already spoken with one classmate who has agreed to an interview. Another classmate and I spoke about providing guest blog posts for each other, which I’m looking forward to as well. Already I’m feeling more focused and optimistic!

When I finally printed out the final version of my capstone yesterday, I realized how light and free I felt, and I decided to bake German chocolate cupcakes and brought them to class with me! It feels like a celebration right now, and I’m looking forward to graduation. There is much work ahead to get to where I want to be professionally, but I’m going to keep focusing on the words our professor said as we were leaving: “It’s just the beginning, keep that momentum going!”


Photo credit: David Taviani (Helios) 
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