Today, Wikipedia blacked out their site to protest The Stop Online Piracy Act, or SOPA, and Google censored its logo. It was easy to send forms to my representatives in Congress stating that I oppose both SOPA and the Protect Intellectual Property Act, or PIPA using the hyperlinks on the blacked out Wikipedia page. I do not support piracy by any means, but like many other Americans, I have serious reservations about these proposed laws.
According to The New York Times, the online protests are working and support for the bills in Congress is dwindling.
The infographic below is a good visual of what would happen if SOPA were passed as law:
Note: In May 2013, I was asked via email to remove all links to Online University by a representative of the company. At the time (January 2012) Online University had included the HTML code for the infographic above in their post on the same topic, stating that the code could be used to embed the infographic on other blogs and websites.Categories: Infographics, Technology and the Internet
Tags: Blackout, PIPA, SOPA, Wikipedia